
Speedcity was a performance event that involved electronic music, video, both pre-recorded and live action and car enthusiasts performing with their cars. Speedcity flaunted cars, image and lifestyle and was an opportunity to see under the bonnets and get into the backseats of Newcastle’s car culture. With performing automotive vehicles, video profiles, animation, automotive art, mini-cams placed inside parading cars, a car symphony and choreographed car ballet, Speedcity took you behind the metal to see a unique side of Newcastle’s car culture.

Speedcity was directed by Sally Sussman for Newcastle company, Hammer & Tongs as part of the Livesites Program and This Is Not Art Festival in Newcastle on 2 October 2004. The event involved over 20 cars from 1970s Toranas (a speciality group within themselves), to “hotted-up” Fords and even a latest model BMW, which underwent a ‘makeover’ during the development turning from midnight blue to cherry red.

Speedcity was performed down Honeysuckle Drive (The Runway) around the squareabout (The Lap Circuit) and into Workshop Way (The Holding Zone).

  1. Opening
  2. Lap 1
  3. Car Symphony
  4. Showcars
  5. History
  6. Work-In-Progress Cars
  7. Stereo art
  8. Car Ballet
  9. MR Whippy and Hanging by the Kerb and interacting with Audience

These sections were divided by audio/video grabs created by video artists Tessaract and composer, Chris Danvers, which served to provide mustering time for the cars for the next live action component and to elucidate other thematic elements:

"It’s a lifestyle"
"It’s a social club/charity"
"Money Pit/Obsession”

Project details
Newcastle October 2 2004

Curator/Facilitator: Clare Irvine         
Project Director: Sally Sussman           
Video Artists: Tesseract (Cindi Drennan, Justin Maynard)
Composer: Chris Danvers                      
Documentor: Peta Woods
Car enthusiasts: Marcus Levelle – ‘Yesplz’, Danielle Main – ‘Plaful’, Jon Jay And Rob – ‘Pas 11v’, Rick Kuhn (Aka Hupmhrey, Beth Hawkins – ‘Mzb Hvd’, Tahneil – Chv Ios’, Chris Bartley – X5h 172, Tim – ‘Woo 247’, Aaron – As690, Chris Jones – Jqw35y, Chris – Xsh 172, Doug Pake – Dug113, Steve – Nws 262(Datsun), Matt Elleuor, Ryan, Brett, Mick Orr – Ss7605, Kelly  - Tos305, Sam Choos